Contatori tempo trascorso
Codice ordinativo

DC / Front 48x48mm
BG 40.17
DC / Front 48x48mm
BW 40.18
AC / Front 48x48mm
BG 40.27
DC / Front 55x55mm
BW 40.28
AC / Front 55x55mm
BG 40.37
DC / Front 72x72mm
BW 40.38
AC / Front 72x72mm
müller BW 40 - BG 40
- Large format numerals 4.4 mm in height
- Easy to connect – screw terminals accessible from rear
- Attachments for other cutouts, see accessory
- Ring seal for IP 54 – also seals front panel cutout
- BG: quartz stabilized
- BG: large voltage ranges
- with retaining clip
- with universal connections
- touch proof connections to VBG4
- low-noise
- BW: Alternating current
- BG: Direct current quartz
Intended use
- The device fits for the particular use of the following tasks: summed measuring of operating hours in control cabinets and plants, operating hours of pumps and machines.
Supply voltage versions
- see technical data