Interruttori orari digitali settimanali
Codice ordinativo

1 Kanal Version
SC 28.11 pro4
172 411 pro4
1 Kanal Version
SC 28.21 pro4
172 421 pro4
2 Kanal Version
müller SC 28.x1 pro4 - paladin 172 4x1 pro4
- 1 or 2 channels
- Daily and weekly program
- Yearly program by extra switching times
- 100 memory locations
- Zero-cross switching
- Up to 600 W LED lamp load
- Integrated Bluetooth
- Programmable via App (iOS and Android)
- 10 years battery-reserve
- Exchangeable battery (CR 2032)
- Minimum interval 1 min.
- Switching capacity 16 A per channel
- Cycle and random function
- Extra switching times ON, OFF and pulse by date and time
- Permanent by date and time / holiday function
- Manual permanent mode
- Manual override
- Fully automatic daylight saving time
- Elapsed time and pulse counter
- Easy handling
- Illuminated display
- Security by PIN-Code
- Programmable with smartphone via Bluetooth (free iOS and Android app)
- No additional Data stick needed! Bluetooth integrated in time switch
- Zero-crossing (up to 600 W LED lamp load)
- Complete switching program of the present day at a glance
- Exchangeable battery (CR 2032) with 10 years battery reserve
- Random function for presence simulation
- Optimized own consumption: only 0.3 W in „standby“ mode
- Large, clear and illuminated display with one text line
- Easy handling
- Quick and intuitive programming
- Can be programmed with supply disconnected
- Unlimited program security by E2-PROM
Intended Use
- The device fits for the particular use of the following tasks: Illumination of private and industrial areas, street and shop-window lightening, regulation of air conditioning, flushing, motors, pumps, plants and machinery as well as to simulate presence etc.
- Operate the device in a dry room only!
- The installation must be in accordance with the instruction manual.
- The device is not qualified for security relevant tasks such as emergency doors, fire protection equipment
Supply voltage versions
- see technical data