0-10V Sensoren

CO2- Luftgüte- & Raumklimasensor
(0-10 V)
(0-10 V)
GS 40.00 pro
CO2- Luftgüte- & Raumklimasensor
(0-10 V)
(0-10 V)
Raumklima- / Luftgütesensor GS 40.00 pro
- Detection of air quality
(CO2-concentration, rel. humidity, temperature) - CO2-sensor (Measuring range 425...5.000 ppm)
- CO2-value is atmospheric pressure compensated
- Sensors for CO2-, temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure measurement
- Temperature sensor (Measuring range 0...+50 °C)
- Humidity sensor (Measuring range 0...100% rel. humidity)
- 3 control outputs (0-10 V) for measured values of CO2 concentration, rel. humidity and temperature
- Easy installation and mounting
- Modern and planar design
- Wall mounting [80 mm]
Information about CO2 and Covid-19
- Every person is emitting CO2 and aerosols e.g. during breathing. Today aerosols are claimed to be one of the transmission ways of SARS-CoV-2. CO2-concentrations can be measured and the correlation between the CO2 and the aerosol concentration can be used for analytical investigations, which use the measured CO2-concentration to calculate a likely aerosol concentration. (TU Berlin)
- A longer stay in small, bad or not vantilated room can increase the probability of a Covid-19 spread by aerosols even on bigger distances over 2 m. (RKI)
- The use of our CO2-sensors and the resulting room ventilation helps minimizing the risk of infection e.g. in schools or offices, gyms, restaurants or other premises where several people stay together.
Your direct contact to us
Hugo Müller GmbH & Co KG
Tel.: +49 (0) 7720 80 836
Fax: +49 (0) 7720 31 083
Mail: info@hugo-mueller.de